Outdoor Exploration

On a few of my many walks around the complex, I’ve noticed another tenant sitting out on her porch reading, with her cat sitting at her feet. I thought, “How nice. I doubt I could ever trust Milo and Olli to sit calmly on the porch with me.”

I couldn’t help but wonder…

So this last weekend I gave it a try. I had a good book. The weather was pleasant, warm and sunny but not stifling. (At least not before Noon.) I got my chair, a footstool, and a table for my coffee. Then I brought out Olli, along with one of the carriers we use that they like to play in and sleep on. Thinking maybe he would want to hide in it when cars or people passed by.

I was not brave enough to try both cats right away. I was not sure I was brave enough with Milo at all. (He who can’t be trusted and who moves like a ninja.)

Olli was inquisitive but he’s not the adventurous type. He pretty quickly settled down and seemed content to lay around with me.

Soon, Milo was at the door, looking out, pitifully. I could see him meowing, but couldn’t hear it through the door. I felt so guilty letting one explore and not the other.

So I took a breath and let Milo out too.

All in all, it was not bad. I had to be on full alert for any jumping over the rail and racing after birds or bugs so I wasn’t get much reading in at first.

But eventually, they both settled down and were pretty content to stay within the confines of the porch with me.

We spent over an hour together outside and I managed to enjoy my reading even.

I only had two scares in which Milo jumped to the top of the rail before I could head off the impulse. Luckily, I caught him before he went any further.

And Olli had to be scolded for eating the leaves off the plants a few times. The little stinker.

I know some of you are wondering…Milo is on the right in all the photos of both cats.

That’s Milo too.

I would never trust them alone on the porch but I thought it was a nice treat, a diversion from their normal routine to let them come outside and explore.

Any household with at least one feline member has no need for an alarm clock.
~ Louise A. Belcher
(Oh so true.)


  1. Milo is one LONG cat, that shot of him from behind makes him look extremely tall. I often try to sit on our patio with our dog but he can’t be trusted. He’ll bark at the neighbours, at their wheelbarrow, at other dogs…you name it, he wants to play with it. Eventually we end up going in. I’m hoping as he gets older and slower I’ll get a bit more peace!


    1. LOL He is a long cat. 🙂 I am so jealous of the neighbor with the calm kitty! When I was out walking last night, I saw the cat outside sleeping on the porch, totally unattended! There’s no way I could leave mine out alone. He’s got to be an older kitty who has grown out of his mischievousness.


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