Reading Corner – Minutes Before Sunset


Minutes Before Sunset is a young adult paranormal romance. Boy with a terrible predetermined destiny meets girl who is lost and alone in a way that many young people will relate to. Sparks fly. Supernatural things happen. (I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, lol.) It was a quick, easy read. The up-and-coming young author, Shannon A. Thompson, has a knack for conveying adolescent behavior and emotions. The story is told from dual perspectives and Thompson handles that duality well. Each perspective has its own clear voice and tone. The over-arching story of a battle between good and evil is presented with some new twists on old ideas giving it unique character. Minutes Before Sunset is the first in a 3 book series. This first installment wraps up well with a good lead to the next book. I didn’t love it, there were a few things that didn’t work for me, and some proofreading errors that I wish had been cleaned up before publishing, but regardless, I would recommend this series to young readers interested in romance, fantasy, and science fiction. (Books two and three: Seconds Before Sunrise and Death Before Daylight.)

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~ Stephen King

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