Paleo Waffles or Waffles with Banana, Pear, and Cinnamon

These. Are. Amazing.

A treat for sure. Not something we would make on a regular basis. But nice to have on occasion. I’ve seen waffle recipes popping up on my facebook newsfeed and in my feedly reader so much lately, I’d developed a craving. Before last Saturday, I don’t think I’ve had a waffle in a year. Or more. So this was a fun treat and it turned out awesome.

As I mentioned, there are a lot of ways you can make gluten-free/paleo/real food waffles.

Almond Flour Coconut Waffles

Banana Cinnamon Waffles

Eat Like a Dinosaur Frozen Waffles  (Actually the original source for the recipe that I adapted from as well.)

I chose this recipe as my springboard because I thought the flavors of pear and cinnamon would make a good combination. I didn’t change much, other than reducing the quantities to make less, and I used an unusual nut butter. Most recipes call for almond butter or sunflower butter but I didn’t have either. So I went with what I had: cashew butter.

Ingredients – made 4 full size waffles

  • 1 banana
  • 1 pear, cored but not peeled
  • about 3/4 cup cashew nut butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 and 1/2 tbsp arrowroot powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tbsp cinnamon


  1. Puree banana and pear. (I used the food processor.)
  2. Add nut butter and blend.
  3. Add vanilla. Pulse.
  4. Add arrowroot powder, baking soda, and cinnamon. Pulse to incorporate and then blend well.
  5. Whisk eggs slightly in a separate bowl then add and pulse just to combine. Don’t over blend once you’ve added the eggs.
  6. Pour batter into waffle maker.
  7. Top with fruit, maple syrup, or butter. Fall in love!


We keep all our bananas peeled and frozen, mostly using them for smoothies. So my banana was very ripe. I let it defrost a bit, cored my pear, and then crossed my fingers that the food processor was a good choice.


It worked beautifully.




I actually didn’t even own a waffle maker until this past weekend. All these waffle recipes just wormed their way into my brain and I decided I had to have one. Even if we will only use it occasionally. It’s still nice to have the option.


I had no idea that the “proper” way to add batter to the waffle maker is to pour it in a circle around the outside. Have to say, it pays off once in a while to read the directions. LOL  I didn’t have any spill over or messes while making my waffles and they turned out beautiful.


They look a little dark but that’s the nut butter and unconventional ingredients. Trust me, they aren’t overcooked.


I couldn’t decide. Fruit topping, or maple syrup. So I had a little of both. Craving = satisfied. 🙂

AND…they freeze beautifully. If you have thin waffles that fit into a toaster, that would be the best option for re-heating but a toaster oven would work nicely as well. If you have neither (like us), you can re-heat in the regular oven. We opted for a non-preheated 400 degree oven, moved the rack as high as possible, and “toasted” the waffle for 4 minutes on each side.

So. Yummy.

You should eat a waffle! You can’t be sad if you eat a waffle!
~ Lauren Myracle, ttfn


  1. Seeing your waffles makes me hungry! They look amazing and glad they turned out well. PS – you do such a great job on your blog.


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