Lilla Rose Flexi-Clips are AMAZING!

I stumbled on these unique clips at the Puyallup Fair last year. I am so thankful that Don kept me from walking right on by the booth. In my opinion, Lilla Rose Flexi-Clips are the next generation of up-do clips. They are far superior to that ugly old claw clip we’ve all been using for years. I don’t know about you, but those claws put dents in my head that give me headaches! I’ve been using flexi-clips almost every day for the last four months and I’ve never had a single day that I got a headache or an uncomfortable dent. And they are so much prettier! 🙂

The clips come in various sizes. I have three – an extra-small, medium, and large. We bought the extra-small and the medium at the fair.

three clips

The small one is good for half-up hair days.

small clip

The medium one is good for the half french twist, flip up and over, ponytail sort of look. The downside is you don’t see the clip but OMG it’s so comfortable and easy to do.

medium clip

I managed to also use the medium for a full bun, sort of smooshed and crammed into the clip. I made it work but it’s wasn’t easy and I didn’t wear it that way often. For Christmas, my SIL gave me a large clip and BOOM, now I’m all set for full bun action, or messy full body days that just need a bigger clip.

Large Clip

I would say I’m all set and don’t need any more clips, but really…what girl couldn’t use more styles? I have a feeling the clips are going to be like scarves for me…I can never have too many.

There is a bit of a learning curve to using the clips, but there are lots of youtube tutorials and, I’m betting that a lot of ladies out there are even more coordinated than me and would get the hang of it pretty quickly. 🙂

So, ladies…I’m here to tell you…go check out the flexi-clip at Lilla Rose! It’s worth every penny and I promise you that you will fall in love.

The hair is the richest ornament of women.
~ Martin Luther

What do you think?