Reading Corner – Summer Knight

summerknightI enjoyed Summer Knight, book #4 of The Dresden Files. Fast-paced and chock full of magical creatures, danger abounds and cataclysmic doom seems inevitable. Enter Wizard Harry Dresden. A little luck and determination and Harry always saves the day. A great mix of fantasy and murder-mystery, the Dresden novels are unique and fun.

Now…back to the Mistborn series with book #2, The Well of Ascension. 🙂

Fantasy, if it’s really convincing, can’t become dated, for the simple reason that it represents a flight into a dimension that lies beyond the reach of time.
~ Walt Disney


  1. I only ever read the first Dresden Files book – I really enjoyed it, especially how it seemed like everything that could go wrong for Harry did, but he still managed to get it all together in the end. I should probably pick up the second book soon…


What do you think?